Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New Sh*t! (Insert Excessively Loud Jamaican Horn Here)

Yo internet! So I kinda took April off (wish I could say I was super busy, but that'd be a downright, dirty lie). With that being said, I'm going to kick off May with a quick sketch I did a few days ago. The colouring isn't supposed to look finished, I just wanted to throw a quick tonal mess over the line drawing for fun. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Arr, I... Don't Know What I'm Doing.

An ink sketch I did for Grey Group Canada
Arr, here be a fine vessel, the yarest river goin' boat thar be.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sketchbook Innards #3

Don't they know "it's a trap"?

Weekend Weirdness

New drawing from the weekend, I did this while hanging out with my friend Julie and decided her hair could do with a giant, "praying mantis-esque" monster coming out of it.

It's the latest craze, all the kids are doing it.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sketchbook Innards #2

Some new drawings from this week, and some oldies that I came across while flipping through my sketchbook. Hey, this is actually starting to look like, oh I don't know, a blog?

Yup, that.

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Crow's Eye

A continuation of my series of "A Song of Ice and Fire" characters, I decided to do a little more on this one by adding some ink and colour.